Monday, July 21, 2008

Entry for July 21, 2008

Summer FUN!  Nothing like a mini vacation to cheer up your summer.  No work, no worries and lots of fun!  I took the week off and just played with Ella.  We went to the pool twice, to the new playground at Palmer park, over to Nana's house and just did stuff together.  I had a blast and so did Ella.  Since I was off duty, I didn't bring my camera on most of our outings, but I did bring it to the Bridgestreet fountains so that I could have fun while Ella was playing in the water.  She loves the fountains and we both had a great time.




  1. She is sooo stinkin' cute! I love her expressions! You did a great job on catching some nice moments!

  2. I LOVE the profile shot, with the curl that matches the curve of her forehead and nose.

  3. Enjoyed looking at your recent shots! The fairy ones of K are so fun!
    --Jessica M
