Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entry for April 1, 2008

This past week has been a crazy one.  It started with our one and only car breaking down and ending up in the shop for 4 days!  Transportation was a nightmare!  Also this week was my birthday, and the Tots2Teens sale.  With everything that was going on, I felt like I hardly had a chance to breathe!  The car is now mostly fixed, my birthday is over and was wonderful, and the Tots2Teens sale was a success other than getting rained out at the end.  I took my camera to the sale to take a picture of my booth but was so busy that I never got around to it and then the pouring rain started!  I am going to re-enact my setup and take a picture so that I can have one, I will post it when I get it taken.  My sample photo bags came in this week and they look great!  The construction quality is even better than I had hoped and the picture quality is first rate.


During the past week or so my father built Ella a jungle gym out of PVC pipe.  She LOVES it!  She is very much a monkey and really enjoys climbing and swinging on the gym.  Her face lights up whenever you suggest she go play on “Grandpa’s Toy” (She refuses to call it a jungle gym!)



  1. What a cute little monkey she is! :) That is a pretty cool jungle gym. I like the bags. And Happy B-lated B-day!!!

  2. That is the coolest "Grandpa's Toy" ever! I LOVE it! Do they come in my size? :)

  3. LOVE the toy!! How cool is Grandpa!!

  4. What a fun Grandpa! I love kids playing and moving outside! And, I LOVE that she is shirtless! Oh, to be so carefree!
